@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package com.currency.appengine.service.export.model;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.Date;
* 队伍信息
public class OrderTrackingExport {
@Excel(name = "销售订单号", width = 40)
private String salesOrderCode;
@Excel(name = "订单号", width = 40)
private String orderNo;
@Excel(name = "产品编码", width = 40)
private String materialCode;
@Excel(name = "物料名称", width = 40)
private String materialName;
@Excel(name = "型材型号", width = 40)
private String profileModel;
@Excel(name = "规格型号", width = 40)
private String specification;
@Excel(name = "壁厚", width = 40)
private String thickness;
@Excel(name = "米重 (kg/m)", width = 40)
private String weight;
@Excel(name = "订单总数 (支)", width = 40)
private String orderLength;
@Excel(name = "订单长度 (M)", width = 40)
private String orderTotalQuantity;
@Excel(name = "表面方式 (颜色)", width = 40)
private String surfaceMethod;
@Excel(name = "订单日期", width = 40)
private String deliveryDate;
@Excel(name = "理论重量 (KG)", width = 40)
private String theoreticalWeight;
@Excel(name = "生产支数", width = 40)
private String producedPieces;
@Excel(name = "生产长度 (m)", width = 40)
private String producedLength;
@Excel(name = "计划支数", width = 40)
private String plannedPieces;
@Excel(name = "排产长度", width = 40)
private String productionLength;
@Excel(name = "排产支数", width = 40)
private String productionPieces;
@Excel(name = "锯切方式", width = 40)
private String sawingMethod;
@Excel(name = "实际米重", width = 40)
private String jiya_productionWeight;
@Excel(name = "已挤压支数", width = 40)
private String jiya_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已挤压重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String jiya_actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "已精品支数", width = 40)
private String jingpin_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已精品重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String jingpin_productionWeight;
@Excel(name = "已氧化上排支数", width = 40)
private String yanghau1_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已氧化上排重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String yanghau1_actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "已氧化下排支数", width = 40)
private String yanghua2_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已氧化下排重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String yanghua2_actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "已精切支数", width = 40)
private String jingqie_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已精切重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String jingqie_actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "已打孔支数", width = 40)
private String dk_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已打孔重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String dk_actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "已包装支数", width = 40)
private String bz_productionNumber;
@Excel(name = "已包装重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String bz_actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "入库支数", width = 40)
private String receiptQuantity;
@Excel(name = "已入库重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String actualWeight;
@Excel(name = "交货支数", width = 40)
private String shipmentQuantity;
@Excel(name = "已交货重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String shipmentActualWeight;
@Excel(name = "未交货支数", width = 40)
private String noShipmentQuantity;
@Excel(name = "未交货重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String noActualWeight;
@Excel(name = "库存总支数", width = 40)
private String existingInventory;
@Excel(name = "库存总重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String existingActualWeight;
@Excel(name = "长料报废支数", width = 40)
private String longScrapNumber;
@Excel(name = "长料报废重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String longScrapWeight;
@Excel(name = "短料报费支数", width = 40)
private String shortageScrapNumber;
@Excel(name = "短料报费重量(KG)", width = 40)
private String shortageScrapWeight;
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "01a85821982944e8855e0cb8d3d48c72",
"name" : "导出",
"type" : "api",
"parentId" : "c6ba5ea7aca143ef95dffaf14b4960e5",
"path" : "/export",
"createTime" : 1732603484379,
"updateTime" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"paths" : [ ],
"options" : [ ]
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "ec8de9306e07460eb7f04f43b5e7edcf",
"script" : null,
"groupId" : "01a85821982944e8855e0cb8d3d48c72",
"name" : "挤压排产单导出",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732611077461,
"lock" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"path" : "/extrusionSchedule",
"method" : "POST",
"parameters" : [ ],
"options" : [ ],
"requestBody" : "",
"headers" : [ ],
"paths" : [ ],
"responseBody" : null,
"description" : null,
"requestBodyDefinition" : null,
"responseBodyDefinition" : null
import 'exportDataPageServiceImpl' as exportDataPageServiceImpl;
import '@/sql/extrusionSchedule/count' as masterFind;
import response
int count = masterFind(body);
body['page'] = 1
body['size'] = 100;
exportDataPageServiceImpl.magicExport(count, body, "com.currency.appengine.service.export.model.ExtrusionScheduleExport", '/sql/extrusionSchedule/list', '挤压排产', '挤压排产', '挤压排产');
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "914ca6c8b3ae43e3ae6029318edff17c",
"script" : null,
"groupId" : "01a85821982944e8855e0cb8d3d48c72",
"name" : "订单跟踪导出",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732610997776,
"lock" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"path" : "/orderTracking",
"method" : "POST",
"parameters" : [ ],
"options" : [ ],
"requestBody" : "",
"headers" : [ ],
"paths" : [ ],
"responseBody" : null,
"description" : null,
"requestBodyDefinition" : null,
"responseBodyDefinition" : null
import 'exportDataPageServiceImpl' as exportDataPageServiceImpl;
import '@/sql/orderTracking/count' as masterFind;
import response
int count = masterFind(body);
body['page'] = 1
body['size'] = 100;
exportDataPageServiceImpl.magicExport(count, body, "com.currency.appengine.service.export.model.OrderTrackingExport", '/sql/orderTracking/list', '订单跟踪表', '订单跟踪表', '订单跟踪表');
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "753fe736c4d7438090c366180c352d95",
"name" : "挤压排产",
"type" : "function",
"parentId" : "414d04bbdc2e4cb5a23145a0bfe0e649",
"path" : "extrusionSchedule",
"createTime" : 1732610226287,
"updateTime" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"paths" : [ ],
"options" : [ ]
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "7f8e4140006446d28b625fcb7aa6b967",
"script" : null,
"groupId" : "753fe736c4d7438090c366180c352d95",
"name" : "挤压排产列表",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732611845401,
"lock" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"path" : "/list",
"description" : null,
"returnType" : null,
"mappingPath" : null,
"parameters" : [ ]
import '@/common/sql' as sql
String salesOrdeSelect = sql("salesOrder")
String scheduleNumber = body["scheduleNumber"];
String salesOrderCode = body["salesOrderCode"];
String orderNo = body["orderNo"];
String materialCode = body["materialCode"];
String profileModel = body["profileModel"];
String salesStatus = body["salesStatus"];
String extrusionDate = body['extrusionDate'];
String customerId = body['customerId'];
String surfaceMethod = body['surfaceMethod'];
var list = db.page("""
date_format(mes.extrusion_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as extrusion_date,
mpm.machine_name as extrusion_machine_name,
su.user_name as extrusion_team_name,
su2.user_name as salesperson_name,
mini_extrusion_schedule_detail mesd
left join mini_extrusion_schedule mes on mes.schedule_number = mesd.schedule_number
left join sys_user su on su.user_id = mes.extrusion_team
left join mini_production_machines mpm on mpm.machine_code = mes.extrusion_machine
left join mini_sales_order_materials msm
on mesd.sales_order_code = msm.sales_order_code and mesd.material_code = msm.material_code and mesd.order_no = msm.order_no
left join mini_sales_orders mso on mso.document_number = msm.sales_order_code
left join sys_user su2 on su2.user_id = mso.salesperson
where 1=1
?{scheduleNumber != null and scheduleNumber != '', and mesd.schedule_number like concat('%', #{scheduleNumber}, '%')}
?{salesOrderCode != null and salesOrderCode != '', and msm.sales_order_code like concat('%', #{salesOrderCode}, '%')}
?{orderNo != null and orderNo != '', and msm.order_no like concat('%', #{orderNo}, '%')}
?{materialCode != null and materialCode != '', and msm.material_code like concat('%', #{materialCode}, '%')}
?{profileModel != null and profileModel != '', and msm.profile_model like concat('%', #{profileModel}, '%')}
?{salesStatus != null and salesStatus != '', and mso.status = #{salesStatus}}
?{extrusionDate!=null && extrusionDate!="", and date(mes.extrusion_date) = #{extrusionDate} }
?{customerId != null and customerId != '', and mso.customer_id = #{customerId}}
?{surfaceMethod != null and surfaceMethod != '', and msm.surface_method = #{surfaceMethod}}
return list.list
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "78482de7c59040fe9939e6628c02ee0f",
"script" : null,
"groupId" : "753fe736c4d7438090c366180c352d95",
"name" : "挤压排产总数",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732611825930,
"lock" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"path" : "/count",
"description" : null,
"returnType" : null,
"mappingPath" : null,
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "body",
"value" : null,
"description" : null,
"required" : false,
"dataType" : "String",
"type" : null,
"defaultValue" : null,
"validateType" : null,
"error" : null,
"expression" : null,
"children" : null
} ]
import '@/common/sql' as sql
String salesOrdeSelect = sql("salesOrder")
String scheduleNumber = body["scheduleNumber"];
String salesOrderCode = body["salesOrderCode"];
String orderNo = body["orderNo"];
String materialCode = body["materialCode"];
String profileModel = body["profileModel"];
String salesStatus = body["salesStatus"];
String extrusionDate = body['extrusionDate'];
String customerId = body['customerId'];
String surfaceMethod = body['surfaceMethod'];
return db.selectInt("""
mini_extrusion_schedule_detail mesd
left join mini_extrusion_schedule mes on mes.schedule_number = mesd.schedule_number
left join sys_user su on su.user_id = mes.extrusion_team
left join mini_production_machines mpm on mpm.machine_code = mes.extrusion_machine
left join mini_sales_order_materials msm
on mesd.sales_order_code = msm.sales_order_code and mesd.material_code = msm.material_code and mesd.order_no = msm.order_no
left join mini_sales_orders mso on mso.document_number = msm.sales_order_code
left join sys_user su2 on su2.user_id = mso.salesperson
where 1=1
?{scheduleNumber != null and scheduleNumber != '', and mesd.schedule_number like concat('%', #{scheduleNumber}, '%')}
?{salesOrderCode != null and salesOrderCode != '', and msm.sales_order_code like concat('%', #{salesOrderCode}, '%')}
?{orderNo != null and orderNo != '', and msm.order_no like concat('%', #{orderNo}, '%')}
?{materialCode != null and materialCode != '', and msm.material_code like concat('%', #{materialCode}, '%')}
?{profileModel != null and profileModel != '', and msm.profile_model like concat('%', #{profileModel}, '%')}
?{salesStatus != null and salesStatus != '', and mso.status = #{salesStatus}}
?{extrusionDate!=null && extrusionDate!="", and date(mes.extrusion_date) = #{extrusionDate} }
?{customerId != null and customerId != '', and mso.customer_id = #{customerId}}
?{surfaceMethod != null and surfaceMethod != '', and msm.surface_method = #{surfaceMethod}}
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "ac6602436d574b049dcf80eee3ff5d8d",
"name" : "订单跟踪",
"type" : "function",
"parentId" : "414d04bbdc2e4cb5a23145a0bfe0e649",
"path" : "orderTracking",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732601307816,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"paths" : [ ],
"options" : [ ]
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "b9d2add17088436ea92dd36fd1462557",
"script" : null,
"groupId" : "ac6602436d574b049dcf80eee3ff5d8d",
"name" : "订单跟踪列表",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732609621796,
"lock" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"path" : "/list",
"description" : null,
"returnType" : null,
"mappingPath" : null,
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "salesOrderList",
"value" : null,
"description" : null,
"required" : false,
"dataType" : "String",
"type" : "java.lang.Object",
"defaultValue" : null,
"validateType" : null,
"error" : null,
"expression" : null,
"children" : null
} ]
String salesOrderCode = body['salesOrderCode'];
String orderNo = body['orderNo'];
String materialCode = body['materialCode'];
String profileModel = body['profileModel'];
String customerId = body['customerId'];
String surfaceMethod = body['surfaceMethod'];
// ==============================
// 1.查询销售单明细
// ==============================
var sql = """
from mini_sales_order_materials msom
left join mini_sales_orders mso on mso.document_number = msom.sales_order_code
where 1=1
?{orderNo != null and orderNo != '', and msom.order_no like concat('%', #{orderNo}, '%')}
?{materialCode != null and materialCode != '', and msom.material_code like concat('%', #{materialCode}, '%')}
?{profileModel != null and profileModel != '', and msom.profile_model like concat('%', #{profileModel}, '%')}
?{customerId != null and customerId != '', and mso.customer_id = #{customerId}}
?{surfaceMethod != null and surfaceMethod != '', and msom.surface_method = #{surfaceMethod}}
?{salesOrderCode != null and salesOrderCode != '', and msom.sales_order_code = #{salesOrderCode}}
Map pages = db.page(sql);
List salesOrderList = pages.list;
if (salesOrderList.size() == 0) {
return []
// ==============================
// 2.查询生产计划数据
// ==============================
var sql2 = """
sum(planned_pieces) as planned_pieces
from mini_production_schedule
where 1=1 and (sales_order_code, order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by sales_order_code, order_no
List productionScheduleList = db.select(sql2)
// ==============================
// 3.查询挤压排产数据
// ==============================
var sql3 = """
group_concat(schedule_number order by schedule_number separator ', ') as schedule_number,
sum(production_length) as production_length,
sum(production_pieces) as production_pieces,
max(sawing_method) as sawing_method
from mini_extrusion_schedule_detail
where 1=1 and (sales_order_code, order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by sales_order_code, order_no
List extrusionScheduleDetail = db.select(sql3)
// ==============================
// 4.查询报工数据
// ==============================
var sql4 = """
round((sum(mesd.production_length) * sum(production_number) * sum(production_weight)), 4) as actual_weight_mesd,
round((sum(msom.order_length) * sum(production_number) * sum(production_weight)), 4) as actual_weight_msom,
sum(production_number) as production_number,
max(production_weight) as production_weight
from mini_process_report mpr
left join mini_extrusion_schedule_detail mesd
on mpr.sales_order_code = mesd.sales_order_code and mpr.order_no = mesd.order_no
left join mini_sales_order_materials msom
on mpr.sales_order_code = msom.sales_order_code and mpr.order_no = msom.order_no
where 1=1 and (mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no, mpr.current_process
List processReportList = db.select(sql4)
// 处理数据
// actualWeightMesd 排产长度计算
// actualWeightMsom 订单长度计算
var processReportFinalList = []
var arr = ['jingqie','dk','bz']
processReportList.group(it => it.salesOrderCode + "_" + it.orderNo, // 根据api_group_id 分组
list => list.group(item => item.currentProcess,
obj => obj
).each((key, value) => {
var jsonObj = {}
value.each((key1, value1) => {
var val = value1[0];
jsonObj["salesOrderCode"] = val.salesOrderCode;
jsonObj["orderNo"] = val.orderNo;
if (arr.contains(key1)) {
jsonObj[key1 + "_actualWeight"] = val.actualWeightMsom;
} else {
jsonObj[key1 + "_actualWeight"] = val.actualWeightMesd;
jsonObj[key1 + "_productionNumber"] = val.productionNumber;
jsonObj[key1 + "_productionWeight"] = val.productionWeight;
// ==============================
// 5.查询长料报废数据
// 挤压、精品、氧化上排、氧化下排工序
// ==============================
var sql5 = """
sum(scrap_number) as long_scrap_number,
sum(scrap_weight) as long_scrap_weight
from mini_process_report mpr
where 1=1 and mpr.current_process in ('jiya','jinpin','yanghua1','yanghua2')
and (mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no
List processReportLongList = db.select(sql5)
// ==============================
// 6.查询短料报废数据
// 精切,打孔,包装工序
// ==============================
var sql6 = """
sum(scrap_number) as shortage_scrap_number,
sum(scrap_weight) as shortage_scrap_weight
from mini_process_report mpr
where 1=1 and mpr.current_process in ('jingqie','dk','bz')
and (mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no
List processReportShortageList = db.select(sql6)
// ==============================
// 7.入库状况
// ==============================
var sql7 = """
sum(mpr.receipt_quantity) as receipt_quantity,
sum(mpr.actual_weight) as actual_weight
mini_product_receipt mpr
where 1=1
and (mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by mpr.sales_order_code, mpr.order_no
List productReceiptList = db.select(sql7)
// ==============================
// 8.出库和库存数据
// ==============================
// (sum(mwp.existing_inventory) - sum(mssm.shipment_quantity)) as no_shipment_quantity,
// (sum(mwp.actual_weight) - sum(mssm.actual_weight)) as no_actual_weight,
var sql8 = """
sum(mssm.shipment_quantity) as shipment_quantity,
sum(mssm.actual_weight) as shipment_actual_weight,
sum(mwp.existing_inventory) as no_shipment_quantity,
sum(mwp.actual_weight) as no_actual_weight,
round((sum(mwp.existing_inventory) + sum(mssm.shipment_quantity)), 4) as existing_inventory,
round((sum(mwp.actual_weight) + sum(mssm.actual_weight)), 4) as existing_actual_weight
mini_sales_shipment_materials mssm
left join mini_warehouse_product mwp on
mwp.order_no = mssm.order_no
and mwp.sales_order_code = mssm.sales_order_code
where 1=1
and (mssm.sales_order_code, mssm.order_no) in (
<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='salesOrderList' separator=','>
(#{item.salesOrderCode}, #{item.orderNo})
group by mssm.sales_order_code, mssm.order_no
List salesShipmenList = db.select(sql8)
var result = select
ifnull(e.longScrapNumber, 0) longScrapNumber,
ifnull(e.longScrapWeight, 0) longScrapWeight,
ifnull(f.shortageScrapNumber, 0) shortageScrapNumber,
ifnull(f.shortageScrapWeight, 0) shortageScrapWeight,
ifnull(d.jiya_actualWeight, 0) jiya_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.jiya_productionNumber, 0) jiya_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.jiya_productionWeight, 0) jiya_productionWeight,
ifnull(d.jingpin_actualWeight, 0) jingpin_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.jingpin_productionNumber, 0) jingpin_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.jingpin_productionWeight, 0) jingpin_productionWeight,
ifnull(d.yanghau1_actualWeight, 0) yanghau1_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.yanghau1_productionNumber, 0) yanghau1_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.yanghau1_productionWeight, 0) yanghau1_productionWeight,
ifnull(d.yanghua2_actualWeight, 0) yanghua2_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.yanghua2_productionNumber, 0) yanghua2_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.yanghua2_productionWeight, 0) yanghua2_productionWeight,
ifnull(d.jingqie_actualWeight, 0) jingqie_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.jingqie_productionNumber, 0) jingqie_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.jingqie_productionWeight, 0) jingqie_productionWeight,
ifnull(d.dk_actualWeight, 0) dk_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.dk_productionNumber, 0) dk_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.dk_productionWeight, 0) dk_productionWeight,
ifnull(d.bz_actualWeight, 0) bz_actualWeight,
ifnull(d.bz_productionNumber, 0) bz_productionNumber,
ifnull(d.bz_productionWeight, 0) bz_productionWeight,
ifnull(g.receiptQuantity, 0) receiptQuantity,
ifnull(g.actualWeight, 0) actualWeight,
ifnull(h.shipmentQuantity, 0) shipmentQuantity,
ifnull(h.shipmentActualWeight, 0) shipmentActualWeight,
ifnull(h.noShipmentQuantity, 0) noShipmentQuantity,
ifnull(h.noActualWeight, 0) noActualWeight,
ifnull(h.existingInventory, 0) existingInventory,
ifnull(h.existingActualWeight, 0) existingActualWeight
from salesOrderList a
left join productionScheduleList b on a.salesOrderCode = b.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = b.orderNo
left join extrusionScheduleDetail c on a.salesOrderCode = c.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = c.orderNo
left join processReportFinalList d on a.salesOrderCode = d.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = d.orderNo
left join processReportLongList e on a.salesOrderCode = e.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = e.orderNo
left join processReportShortageList f on a.salesOrderCode = f.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = f.orderNo
left join productReceiptList g on a.salesOrderCode = g.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = g.orderNo
left join salesShipmenList h on a.salesOrderCode = h.salesOrderCode and a.orderNo = h.orderNo
return result
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"properties" : { },
"id" : "d96963a3d8d94fb2acb55a09d05266f9",
"script" : null,
"groupId" : "ac6602436d574b049dcf80eee3ff5d8d",
"name" : "订单跟踪总数",
"createTime" : null,
"updateTime" : 1732603321523,
"lock" : null,
"createBy" : null,
"updateBy" : null,
"path" : "/count",
"description" : null,
"returnType" : null,
"mappingPath" : null,
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "body",
"value" : null,
"description" : null,
"required" : false,
"dataType" : "String",
"type" : "java.util.Map",
"defaultValue" : null,
"validateType" : null,
"error" : null,
"expression" : null,
"children" : null
} ]
String salesOrderCode = body['salesOrderCode'];
String orderNo = body['orderNo'];
String materialCode = body['materialCode'];
String profileModel = body['profileModel'];
String customerId = body['customerId'];
String surfaceMethod = body['surfaceMethod'];
var sql = """
from mini_sales_order_materials msom
left join mini_sales_orders mso on mso.document_number = msom.sales_order_code
where 1=1
?{orderNo != null and orderNo != '', and msom.order_no like concat('%', #{orderNo}, '%')}
?{materialCode != null and materialCode != '', and msom.material_code like concat('%', #{materialCode}, '%')}
?{profileModel != null and profileModel != '', and msom.profile_model like concat('%', #{profileModel}, '%')}
?{customerId != null and customerId != '', and mso.customer_id = #{customerId}}
?{surfaceMethod != null and surfaceMethod != '', and msom.surface_method = #{surfaceMethod}}
?{salesOrderCode != null and salesOrderCode != '', and msom.sales_order_code = #{salesOrderCode}}
return db.selectInt(sql);
Reference in New Issue