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### CRender是干什么的? - 它是一个基于**canvas**的**矢量**图形渲染插件。 - 它对图形提供动画和鼠标事件支持。 ### npm安装 ```shell $ npm install @jiaminghi/c-render ``` ### 快速体验 ```html ``` 详细文档及示例请移步[HomePage](http://crender.jiaminghi.com). - [使用](#使用) - [Class CRender](#class-crender) - [Class Graph](#class-graph) - [Class Style](#class-style) - [示例](#示例) - [扩展新图形](#扩展新图形) - [相关支持](#相关支持) ------


```javascript import CRender from '@jiaminghi/c-redner' const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') // 实例化 CRender const render = new CRender(canvas) // 向render中添加图形 const circle = render.add({ name: 'circle', ... }) ```

Class CRender

### 类 ```javascript /** * @description Class of CRender * @param {Object} canvas Canvas 节点 * @return {CRender} CRender实例 */ class CRender { // ... } ``` ### 实例属性 - [ctx](#ctx) - [area](#area) - [animationStatus](#animationStatus) - [graphs](#graphs) - [color](#color) - [bezierCurve](#bezierCurve) #### ctx ```javascript /** * @description canvas context * @type {Object} * @example ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') */ ``` #### area ```javascript /** * @description canvas宽高 * @type {Array} * @example area = [300,100] */ ``` #### animationStatus ```javascript /** * @description render是否处于动画渲染中 * @type {Boolean} * @example animationStatus = true|false */ ``` #### graphs ```javascript /** * @description 已添加的图形 * @type {Array} * @example graphs = [Graph, Graph, ...] */ ``` #### [color](https://github.com/jiaming743/color) ```javascript /** * @description 颜色插件 * @type {Object} */ ``` #### [bezierCurve](https://github.com/jiaming743/BezierCurve) ```javascript /** * @description 贝塞尔曲线插件 * @type {Object} */ ``` ### 原型方法 - [add](#add) 向render中添加图形 - [clone](#clone) 克隆一个图形 - [delGraph](#delGraph) 删除render中的一个图形 - [delAllGraph](#delAllGraph) 删除render中所有的图形 - [drawAllGraph](#drawAllGraph) 渲染render中所有的图形 - [clearArea](#clearArea) 擦除canvas绘制区域 - [launchAnimation](#launchAnimation) 使动画队列不为空且animationPause不为false的图形进行动画 #### add ```javascript /** * @description 向render中添加图形 * @param {Object} config 图形配置 * @return {Graph} 图形实例 */ CRender.prototype.add = function (config = {}) { // ... } ``` #### Clone ```javascript /** * @description 克隆一个图形 * @param {Graph} graph 将要被克隆的图形 * @return {Graph} 克隆的图形 */ CRender.prototype.clone = function (graph) { } ``` #### delGraph ```javascript /** * @description 删除render中的一个图形 * @param {Graph} graph 将要删除的图形实例 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ CRender.prototype.delGraph = function (graph) { // ... } ``` #### delAllGraph ```javascript /** * @description 删除render中所有的图形 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ CRender.prototype.delAllGraph = function () { // ... } ``` #### drawAllGraph ```javascript /** * @description 渲染render中所有的图形 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ CRender.prototype.drawAllGraph = function () { // ... } ``` #### clearArea ```javascript /** * @description 擦除canvas绘制区域 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ CRender.prototype.clearArea = function () { // ... } ``` #### launchAnimation ```javascript /** * @description 使动画队列不为空且animationPause不为false的图形进行动画 * @return {Promise} Animation Promise */ CRender.prototype.launchAnimation = function () { // ... } ```

Class Graph

### 实例属性 **当添加一个图形时,你可以配置这些属性。** - [visible](#visible) - [shape](#shape) - [style](#style) - [drag](#drag) - [hover](#hover) - [index](#index) - [animationDelay](#animationDelay) - [animationFrame](#animationFrame) - [animationCurve](#animationCurve) - [animationPause](#animationPause) - [hoverRect](#hoverRect) - [mouseEnter](#mouseEnter) - [mouseOuter](#mouseOuter) - [click](#click) #### visible ```javascript /** * @description 该图形是否可被渲染 * @type {Boolean} * @default visible = true */ ``` #### shape ```javascript /** * @description 图形形状数据 * @type {Object} */ ``` #### [style](#Class-Style) ```javascript /** * @description 图形样式数据 (Style实例) * @type {Style} */ ``` #### drag ```javascript /** * @description 是否启用拖拽功能 * @type {Boolean} * @default drag = false */ ``` #### hover ```javascript /** * @description 是否启用悬浮检测 * @type {Boolean} * @default hover = false */ ``` #### index ```javascript /** * @description 图形渲染层级,层级高者优先渲染 * @type {Number} * @default index = 1 */ ``` #### animationDelay ```javascript /** * @description 动画延迟时间(ms) * @type {Number} * @default animationDelay = 0 */ ``` #### animationFrame ```javascript /** * @description 动画帧数 * @type {Number} * @default animationFrame = 30 */ ``` #### [animationCurve](https://github.com/jiaming743/transition) ```javascript /** * @description 动画缓动曲线 * @type {String} * @default animationCurve = 'linear' */ ``` #### animationPause ```javascript /** * @description 是否暂停图形动画 * @type {Boolean} * @default animationPause = false */ ``` #### hoverRect ```javascript /** * @description 矩形悬浮检测盒,配置该项则优先使用其进行鼠标悬浮检测 * @type {Null|Array} * @default hoverRect = null * @example hoverRect = [0, 0, 100, 100] // [矩形起始点 x, y 坐标, 矩形宽, 高] */ ``` #### mouseEnter ```javascript /** * @description 鼠标进入图形事件处理器 * @type {Null|Function} * @default mouseEnter = null */ ``` #### mouseOuter ```javascript /** * @description 鼠标移出图形事件处理器 * @type {Null|Function} * @default mouseOuter = null */ ``` #### click ```javascript /** * @description 鼠标点击图形事件处理器 * @type {Null|Function} * @default click = null */ ``` #### Tip 启用图形的**mouseEnter**,**mouseOuter**,**click**等事件支持需要将`hover`属性配置为`true`。扩展的新图形需要配置**hoverCheck**方法以提供事件支持。 ### 原型方法 - [attr](#attr) 更新图形状态 - [animation](#animation) 更新图形状态(伴随动画) - [animationEnd](#animationEnd) 跳至最后一帧动画 - [pauseAnimation](#pauseAnimation) 暂停动画行为 - [playAnimation](#playAnimation) 尝试动画行为 #### attr ```javascript /** * @description 更新图形状态 * @param {String} attrName 要更新的属性名 * @param {Any} change 更新的值 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ Graph.prototype.attr = function (attrName, change = undefined) { // ... } ``` #### animation ```javascript /** * @description 更新图形状态(伴随动画),仅支持shape和style属性 * @param {String} attrName 要更新的属性名 * @param {Any} change 更新的值 * @param {Boolean} wait 是否存储动画队列,等待下次动画请求 * @return {Promise} Animation Promise */ Graph.prototype.animation = async function (attrName, change, wait = false) { // ... } ``` #### animationEnd ```javascript /** * @description 跳至最后一帧动画 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ Graph.prototype.animationEnd = function () { // ... } ``` #### pauseAnimation ```javascript /** * @description 暂停动画行为 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ Graph.prototype.pauseAnimation = function () { // ... } ``` #### playAnimation ```javascript /** * @description 尝试动画行为 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ Graph.prototype.playAnimation = function () { // ... } ``` ### 生命周期 当向**render**中添加图形时,你可以配置如下几个方法,它们将在特定时刻被调用。 - [added](#added) 图形添加时被调用 - [beforeDraw](#beforeDraw) 图形绘制前被调用 - [drawed](#drawed) 图形绘制后被调用 - [beforeMove](#beforeMove) 图形移动前被调用 - [moved](#moved) 图形移动后被调用 - [beforeDelete](#beforeDelete) 图形删除前被调用 - [deleted](#deleted) 图形删除后被调用 #### added ```javascript /** * @description 图形添加时被调用 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 */ config = { //..., added ({ shape, style }) { // 一些操作... } } ``` #### beforeDraw ```javascript /** * @description 图形绘制前被调用,图形样式已经初始化完毕 * 你可以在此时修改ctx属性 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 * @param {CRender} CRender实例 */ config = { //..., beforeDraw ({ shape, style }, { ctx }) { // 一些操作... ctx.stroke = 'transparent' } } ``` #### drawed ```javascript /** * @description 图形绘制后被调用 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 * @param {CRender} CRender实例 */ config = { //..., drawed ({ shape, style }, { ctx }) { // 一些操作... } } ``` #### beforeMove ```javascript /** * @description 图形移动前被调用,移动行为发生前 * @param {Event} 鼠标事件 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 */ config = { //..., beforeMove ({ offsetX, offsetY }, { shape, style }) { // 一些操作... } } ``` #### moved ```javascript /** * @description 图形移动后被调用,移动行为发生后 * @param {Event} 鼠标事件 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 */ config = { //..., moved ({ offsetX, offsetY }, { shape, style }) { // 一些操作... } } ``` #### beforeDelete ```javascript /** * @description 图形删除前被调用 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 */ config = { //..., beforeDelete ({ shape, style }) { // 一些操作... } } ``` #### deleted ```javascript /** * @description 图形删除后被调用 * @param {Graph} 图形实例 */ config = { //..., deleted ({ shape, style }) { // 一些操作... } } ```

Class Style

### 实例属性 - [fill](#fill) - [stroke](#stroke) - [opacity](#opacity) - [lineCap](#lineCap) - [lineJoin](#) - [lineDash](#lineDash) - [lineDashOffset](#lineDashOffset) - [shadowBlur](#shadowBlur) - [shadowColor](#shadowColor) - [shadowOffsetX](#shadowOffsetX) - [shadowOffsetY](#shadowOffsetY) - [lineWidth](#lineWidth) - [graphCenter](#graphCenter) - [scale](#scale) - [rotate](#rotate) - [translate](#translate) - [hoverCursor](#hoverCursor) - [fontStyle](#fontStyle) - [fontVarient](#fontVarient) - [fontWeight](#fontWeight) - [fontSize](#fontSize) - [fontFamily](#fontFamily) - [textAlign](#textAlign) - [textBaseline](#textBaseline) - [gradientColor](#gradientColor) - [gradientType](#gradientType) - [gradientParams](#gradientParams) - [gradientWith](#gradientWith) - [gradientStops](#gradientStops) - [colors](#colors) #### fill ```javascript /** * @description 图形填充颜色的Rgba值 * @type {Array} * @default fill = [0, 0, 0, 1] */ ``` #### stroke ```javascript /** * @description 图形描边颜色的Rgba值 * @type {Array} * @default stroke = [0, 0, 0, 1] */ ``` #### opacity ```javascript /** * @description 图形透明度 * @type {Number} * @default opacity = 1 */ ``` #### lineCap ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的lineCap属性值 * @type {Null|String} * @default lineCap = null * @example lineCap = 'butt'|'round'|'square' */ ``` #### lineJoin ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的lineJoin属性值 * @type {Null|String} * @default lineJoin = null * @example lineJoin = 'round'|'bevel'|'miter' */ ``` #### lineDash ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的lineDash属性值 * @type {Null|Array} * @default lineDash = null * @example lineDash = [10, 10] */ ``` #### lineDashOffset ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的lineDashOffset属性值 * @type {Null|Number} * @default lineDashOffset = null * @example lineDashOffset = 10 */ ``` #### shadowBlur ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的shadowBlur属性值 * @type {Number} * @default shadowBlur = 0 */ ``` #### shadowColor ```javascript /** * @description 图形阴影颜色的Rgba值 * @type {Array} * @default shadowColor = [0, 0, 0, 0] */ ``` #### shadowOffsetX ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的shadowOffsetX属性值 * @type {Number} * @default shadowOffsetX = 0 */ ``` #### shadowOffsetY ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的shadowOffsetY属性值 * @type {Number} * @default shadowOffsetY = 0 */ ``` #### lineWidth ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的lineWidth属性值 * @type {Number} * @default lineWidth = 0 */ ``` #### graphCenter ```javascript /** * @description 图形中心点 * @type {Null|Array} * @default graphCenter = null * @example graphCenter = [10, 10] */ ``` #### scale ```javascript /** * @description 图形缩放倍数 * @type {Null|Array} * @default scale = null * @example scale = [1.5, 1.5] */ ``` #### rotate ```javascript /** * @description 图形旋转角度 * @type {Null|Number} * @default rotate = null * @example rotate = 10 */ ``` #### translate ```javascript /** * @description 图形位移距离 * @type {Null|Array} * @default translate = null * @example translate = [10, 10] */ ``` #### hoverCursor ```javascript /** * @description 鼠标悬浮在图形上时cursor的值 * @type {String} * @default hoverCursor = 'pointer' * @example hoverCursor = 'default'|'pointer'|'auto'|'crosshair'|'move'|'wait'|... */ ``` #### fontStyle ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的fontStyle属性值 * @type {String} * @default fontStyle = 'normal' * @example fontStyle = 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique' */ ``` #### fontVarient ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的fontVarient属性值 * @type {String} * @default fontVarient = 'normal' * @example fontVarient = 'normal'|'small-caps' */ ``` #### fontWeight ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的fontWeight属性值 * @type {String|Number} * @default fontWeight = 'normal' * @example fontWeight = 'normal'|'bold'|'bolder'|'lighter'|Number */ ``` #### fontSize ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的fontSize属性值 * @type {Number} * @default fontSize = 10 */ ``` #### fontFamily ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的fontFamily属性值 * @type {String} * @default fontFamily = 'Arial' */ ``` #### textAlign ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的textAlign属性值 * @type {String} * @default textAlign = 'center' * @example textAlign = 'start'|'end'|'left'|'right'|'center' */ ``` #### textBaseline ```javascript /** * @description Ctx的textBaseline属性值 * @type {String} * @default textBaseline = 'middle' * @example textBaseline = 'top'|'bottom'|'middle'|'alphabetic'|'hanging' */ ``` #### gradientColor ```javascript /** * @description 用于创建渐变色的颜色 * @type {Null|Array} * @default gradientColor = null * @example gradientColor = ['#000', '#111', '#222'] */ ``` #### gradientType ```javascript /** * @description 渐变类型 * @type {String} * @default gradientType = 'linear' * @example gradientType = 'linear' | 'radial' */ ``` #### gradientParams ```javascript /** * @description 渐变参数 * @type {Array} * @default gradientParams = null * @example gradientParams = [x0, y0, x1, y1] (线性渐变) * @example gradientParams = [x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1] (径向渐变) */ ``` #### gradientWith ```javascript /** * @description 使用渐变色的属性 * @type {String} * @default gradientWith = 'stroke' * @example gradientWith = 'stroke' | 'fill' */ ``` #### gradientStops ```javascript /** * @description 渐变色位置 * @type {String|Array} * @default gradientStops = 'auto' * @example gradientStops = 'auto' | [0, .2, .3, 1] */ ``` #### colors ```javascript /** * @description 支持动画过渡的颜色容器 * @type {Array|Object} * @default colors = null * @example colors = ['#000', '#111', '#222'] * @example colors = { a: '#000', b: '#111' } */ ``` #### Tip `gradientColor`和`gradientParams`被配置后将自动启用**渐变**。 ### 原型方法 - [getStyle](#getStyle) 获取图形当前样式配置 #### getStyle ```javascript /** * @description 获取图形当前样式配置 * @return {Object} 样式配置 */ Style.prototype.getStyle = function () { } ```


CRender提供如下基础矢量图形。 - [圆形](#圆形) - [椭圆形](#椭圆形) - [矩形](#矩形) - [环形](#环形) - [弧形](#弧形) - [扇形](#扇形) - [正多边形](#正多边形) - [折线](#折线) - [折线(闭合)](#折线(闭合)) - [光滑曲线](#光滑曲线) - [光滑曲线(闭合)](#光滑曲线(闭合)) - [贝塞尔曲线](#贝塞尔曲线) - [贝塞尔曲线(闭合)](#贝塞尔曲线(闭合)) - [文本](#文本) #### 圆形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | rx | `Number` | `0` | 圆心x轴坐标 | | ry | `Number` | `0` | 圆心y轴坐标 | | r | `Number` | `0` | 圆半径 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const circleConfig = { name: 'circle', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2, r: 50 }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('shape', { r: 70 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('shape', { r: 50 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0 }) } } const circle = render.add(circleConfig) ``` #### 椭圆形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | rx | `Number` | `0` | 圆心x轴坐标 | | ry | `Number` | `0` | 圆心y轴坐标 | | hr | `Number` | `0` | 横轴半径 | | vr | `Number` | `0` | 竖轴半径 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const ellipseConfig = { name: 'ellipse', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2, hr: 80, vr: 30 }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', scale: [1, 1], hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { scale: [1.5, 1.5], shadowBlur: 20 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { scale: [1, 1], shadowBlur: 0 }) } } const ellipse = render.add(ellipseConfig) ``` #### 矩形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | x | `Number` | `0` | 矩形左上角x轴坐标 | | y | `Number` | `0` | 矩形左上角y轴坐标 | | w | `Number` | `0` | 矩形宽度 | | h | `Number` | `0` | 矩形高度 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const rectConfig = { name: 'rect', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { x: w / 2 - rectWidth / 2, y: h / 2 - rectHeight / 2, w: rectWidth, h: rectHeight }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer', translate: [0, 0] }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('shape', { w: 400 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, translate: [-100, 0] }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('shape', { w: 200 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, translate: [0, 0] }) } } const rect = render.add(rectConfig) ``` #### 环形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | rx | `Number` | `0` | 中心点x轴坐标 | | ry | `Number` | `0` | 中心点y轴坐标 | | r | `Number` | `0` | 环半径 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const ringConfig = { name: 'ring', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2, r: 50 }, style: { stroke: '#9ce5f4', lineWidth: 20, hoverCursor: 'pointer', shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, lineWidth: 30 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 20 }) } } const ring = render.add(ringConfig) ``` #### 弧形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | rx | `Number` | `0` | 中心点x轴坐标 | | ry | `Number` | `0` | 中心点y轴坐标 | | r | `Number` | `0` | 弧半径 | | startAngle | `Number` | `0` | 弧起始弧度值 | | endAngle | `Number` | `0` | 弧结束弧度值 | | clockWise | `Boolean` | `true` | 是否顺时针 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const arcConfig = { name: 'arc', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2, r: 60, startAngle: 0, endAngle: Math.PI / 3 }, style: { stroke: '#9ce5f4', lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: -30, lineWidth: 30 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, lineWidth: 20 }) } } const arc = render.add(arcConfig) ``` #### 扇形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | rx | `Number` | `0` | 中心点x轴坐标 | | ry | `Number` | `0` | 中心点y轴坐标 | | r | `Number` | `0` | 扇形半径 | | startAngle | `Number` | `0` | 扇形起始弧度值 | | endAngle | `Number` | `0` | 扇形结束弧度值 | | clockWise | `Boolean` | `true` | 是否顺时针 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const sectorConfig = { name: 'sector', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2, r: 60, startAngle: 0, endAngle: Math.PI / 3 }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI, r: 70 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: -30, lineWidth: 30 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3, r: 60 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, lineWidth: 20 }) } } const sector = render.add(sectorConfig) ``` #### 正多边形 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | rx | `Number` | `0` | 中心点x轴坐标 | | ry | `Number` | `0` | 中心点y轴坐标 | | r | `Number` | `0` | 外接圆半径 | | side | `Number` | `0` | 边数 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const regPolygonConfig = { name: 'regPolygon', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2, r: 60, side: 6 }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', hoverCursor: 'pointer', shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI, r: 100 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: 180 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3, r: 60 }, true) this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0 }) } } const regPolygon = render.add(regPolygonConfig) ``` #### 折线 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | points | `Array` | `[]` | 构成折线的点 | | close | `Boolean` | `false` | 是否闭合折线 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const top = h / 3 const bottom = h / 3 * 2 const gap = w / 10 const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2 const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) => [beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom]) const polylineConfig = { name: 'polyline', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { points }, style: { stroke: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 10, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 }) } } const polyline = render.add(polylineConfig) ``` #### 折线(闭合) ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const top = h / 3 const bottom = h / 3 * 2 const gap = w / 10 const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2 const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) => [beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom]) points[2][1] += top * 1.3 const polylineClosedConfig = { name: 'polyline', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { points, close: true }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 10, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20 }, true) const pointsCloned = deepClone(this.shape.points) pointsCloned[2][1] += top * 0.3 this.animation('shape', { points: pointsCloned }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0 }, true) const pointsCloned = deepClone(this.shape.points) pointsCloned[2][1] -= top * 0.3 this.animation('shape', { points: pointsCloned }) } } const polylineClosed = render.add(polylineClosedConfig) ``` #### 光滑曲线 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | points | `Array` | `[]` | 构成光滑曲线的点 | | close | `Boolean` | `false` | 是否闭合光滑曲线 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const top = h / 3 const bottom = h / 3 * 2 const gap = w / 10 const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2 const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) => [beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom]) const smoothlineConfig = { name: 'smoothline', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { points }, style: { stroke: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 10, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 }) } } const smoothline = render.add(smoothlineConfig) ``` #### 光滑曲线(闭合) ```javascript import { getCircleRadianPoint } from '../../CRender/lib/util' function getPoints (radius, centerPoint, pointNum) { const PIDived = Math.PI * 2 / pointNum const points = new Array(pointNum).fill('') .map((foo, i) => getCircleRadianPoint(...centerPoint, radius, PIDived * i) ) return points } const { area: [w, h] } = render const radius = h / 3 const centerPoint = [w / 2, h / 2] const smoothlineClosedConfig = { name: 'smoothline', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { points: getPoints(radius, centerPoint, 3), close: true }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 10, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20, rotate: 120 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0 }) }, setGraphCenter (e, { style }) { if (e) { const { movementX, movementY } = e const [cx, cy] = style.graphCenter style.graphCenter = [cx + movementX, cy + movementY] } else { style.graphCenter = [...centerPoint] } } } const smoothlineClosed = render.add(smoothlineClosedConfig) ``` #### 贝塞尔曲线 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | points | `Array` | `[]` | 构成贝塞尔曲线的点 | | close | `Boolean` | `false` | 是否闭合贝塞尔曲线 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const offsetX = w / 2 const offsetY = h / 2 const points = [ // 起始点 [-100 + offsetX, -50 + offsetY], // 多段贝塞尔曲线 [ // 控制点1,控制点2,结束点 [0 + offsetX, -50 + offsetY], [0 + offsetX, 50 + offsetY], [100 + offsetX, 50 + offsetY] ], // [...],[...] ] const bezierCurveConfig = { name: 'bezierCurve', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { points }, style: { lineWidth: 10, stroke: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 }) } } const bezierCurve = render.add(bezierCurveConfig) ``` #### 贝塞尔曲线(闭合) ```javascript import { getCircleRadianPoint } from '../../CRender/lib/util' function getPetalPoints (insideRadius, outsideRadius, petalNum, petalCenter) { const PI2Dived = Math.PI * 2 / (petalNum * 3) let points = new Array(petalNum * 3).fill('') .map((foo, i) => getCircleRadianPoint(...petalCenter, i % 3 === 0 ? insideRadius : outsideRadius, PI2Dived * i) ) const startPoint = points.shift() points.push(startPoint) points = new Array(petalNum).fill('') .map(foo => points.splice(0, 3)) points.unshift(startPoint) return points } const { area: [w, h] } = render const petalCenter = [w / 2, h / 2] const [raidus1, raidus2, raidus3, raidus4] = [h / 6, h / 2.5, h / 3, h / 2] const bezierCurveClosedConfig = { name: 'bezierCurve', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, shape: { points: getPetalPoints(raidus1, raidus2, 6, petalCenter), close: true }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer' }, mouseEnter (e, { style: { graphCenter } }) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 }, true) this.animation('shape', { points: getPetalPoints(raidus3, raidus4, 6, graphCenter) }) }, mouseOuter (e, { style: { graphCenter } }) { this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 }, true) this.animation('shape', { points: getPetalPoints(raidus1, raidus2, 6, graphCenter) }) }, setGraphCenter (e, { style }) { if (e) { const { movementX, movementY } = e const [cx, cy] = style.graphCenter style.graphCenter = [cx + movementX, cy + movementY] } else { style.graphCenter = [...petalCenter] } } } const bezierCurveClosed = render.add(bezierCurveClosedConfig) ``` #### 文本 ##### shape属性 | 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 注解 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | content | `String` | `''` | 文本内容 | | position | `Array` | `[0, 0]` | 文本起始位置 | | maxWidth | `Number` | `Undefined` | 文本最大宽度 | | rowGap | `Number` | `0` | 行间距 | ```javascript const { area: [w, h] } = render const centerPoint = [w / 2, h / 2] const hoverRect = [w / 2 - 100, h / 2 - 30 ,200, 60] const textConfig = { name: 'text', animationCurve: 'easeOutBack', hover: true, drag: true, hoverRect, shape: { content: 'CRender', position: centerPoint, maxWidth: 200 }, style: { fill: '#9ce5f4', fontSize: 50, shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, shadowColor: '#66eece', hoverCursor: 'pointer', scale: [1, 1], rotate: 0 }, mouseEnter (e) { this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, scale: [1.5, 1.5], rotate: 30 }) }, mouseOuter (e) { this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, scale: [1, 1], rotate: 0 }) }, moved (e, { hoverRect }) { const { movementX, movementY } = e hoverRect[0] += movementX hoverRect[1] += movementY } } const text = render.add(textConfig) ``` ##### Tip * 图形**text**的鼠标事件依赖`hoverRect`属性,如需鼠标事件生效请对其配置 * 文本中插入`\n`可以进行换行。


CRender提供了一个方法去扩展新的图形,你可以**自定义**想要的图形。 ```javascript import { extendNewGraph } from '@jiaminghi/c-render' const graphName = 'newGraph' const graphConfig = { shape: { ... }, // ... } extendNewGraph(graphName, graphConfig) ``` #### extendNewGraph ```javascript /** * @description 扩展新图形 * @param {String} name 图形名称 * @param {Object} config 图形配置 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ function extendNewGraph (name, config) { // ... } ``` #### 图形配置属性 - [shape](#shape-required) - [validator](#validator-required) - [draw](#draw-required) - [hoverCheck](#hoverCheck) - [setGraphCenter](#setGraphCenter) - [move](#move) - [扩展示例](#扩展示例) #### shape (必须) ```javascript /** * @type {Object} * @description 图形形状数据 */ config = { // ..., shape: { // 一些属性... } } ``` #### validator (必须) ```javascript /** * @type {Function} * @description 图形添加时将被调用,用于检测图形配置是否合法, * 若返回值为false则终止添加行为 * @param {Graph} 当前图形实例 * @return {Boolean} 配置是否合法 */ config = { // ..., validator ({ shape }) { // 检查图形配置... // return true | false } } ``` #### draw (必须) ```javascript /** * @type {Function} * @description 图形绘制器 * @param {CRender} 当前CRender实例 * @param {Graph} 当前图形实例 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ config = { // ..., draw ({ ctx }, { shape }) { // 绘制... } } ``` #### hoverCheck (可选) ```javascript /** * @type {Function} * @description 通过鼠标位置去判断当前图形是否处于鼠标悬浮状态, * 用于给mouseEnter, mouseOuter, drag, click事件提供支持。 * @param {Array} 鼠标位置 * @param {Graph} 当前图形实例 * @return {Boolean} 是否处于鼠标悬浮状态 */ config = { // ..., validator ([offsetX, offsetY], { shape }) { // 检测是否处于鼠标悬浮状态... // return true | false } } ``` #### setGraphCenter (可选) ```javascript /** * @type {Function} * @description 设置图形中心点 * 提供rotate, scale and translate支持 * 添加图形及图形被拖动后将被调用 * @param {Event} 鼠标事件 (图形被添加时调用,该参数为null) * @param {Graph} 当前图形实例 * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ config = { // ..., setGraphCenter ([offsetX, offsetY], { style }) { // style.graphCenter = [offsetX, offsetY] } } ``` #### move (Optional) ```javascript /** * @type {Function} * @description Moving graph,support for drag * @param {Event} Mouse move Event * @param {Graph} Current graph instance * @return {Undefined} Void */ config = { // ..., move ([offsetX, offsetY], { shape }) { // 一些操作... } } ``` #### 扩展示例 ```javascript import { extendNewGraph } from '@jiaminghi/c-render' const circle = { shape: { rx: 0, ry: 0, r: 0 }, validator ({ shape }) { const { rx, ry, r } = shape if (typeof rx !== 'number' || typeof ry !== 'number' || typeof r !== 'number') { console.error('Shape configuration is abnormal!') return false } return true }, draw ({ ctx }, { shape }) { ctx.beginPath() const { rx, ry, r } = shape ctx.arc(rx, ry, r, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() }, hoverCheck (position, { shape }) { const { rx, ry, r } = shape return checkPointIsInCircle(rx, ry, r, position) }, setGraphCenter (e, { shape, style }) { const { rx, ry } = shape style.graphCenter = [rx, ry] }, move ({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) { this.attr('shape', { rx: shape.rx + movementX, ry: shape.ry + movementY }) } } extendNewGraph('circle', circle) ```


- [Transition](https://github.com/jiaming743/transition) 提供动画过渡数据 (animationCurve)。 如果你想扩展新的缓动曲线,请移步 [扩展新曲线](http://transition.jiaminghi.com/guide/#扩展缓动曲线). - [BezierCurve](https://github.com/jiaming743/bezierCurve) 提供贝塞尔曲线支持,例如计算曲线长度,曲线折线互转。 - [Color](https://github.com/jiaming743/Color) 提供了颜色计算,例如获取颜色的rgba值,以便于颜色动画状态的计算。