<h1 align="center">Transition</h1>
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### What is Transition?
- It is a dynamic effect plugin based on **Bezier Curve**.
- It provides common **easing** curve.
- **Customizable** easing curve.
### How is the animation produced?
* Get one frame data of the animation.
* Draw this frame animation.
* Repeat...
We can use three sets of data to describe an animation (**animation start state**, **animation end state**, **easing curve**).Based on these three sets of data, we can calculate the **state of each frame** of the animation,this is what ***Transition*** provided.According to the data of each frame, we carry out continuous redrawing, and the animation is generated.
### Install with npm
$ npm install @jiaminghi/transition
### Use
import { transition, injectNewCurve } from '@jiaminghi/transition'
// do something
### Quick experience
<!--Resources are located on personal servers for experience and testing only, do not use in production environments-->
<!--Debug version-->
<script src="http://lib.jiaminghi.com/transition/transition.map.js"></script>
<!--Compression version-->
<script src="http://lib.jiaminghi.com/transition/transition.min.js"></script>
const { transition, injectNewCurve } = window.transition
// do something
Detailed documents and examples can be viewed on the [HomePage](http://transition.jiaminghi.com/EN/).
- [Annotation](#Annotation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Extend New Easing Curve](#Extend-New-Easing-Curve)
- [Easing Curve Table](#Easing-curve-table)
<h3 align="center">Annotation</h3>
* @description Get the N-frame animation state by the start and end state
* of the animation and the easing curve
* @param {String|Array} tBC Easing curve name or data
* @param {Number|Arrya|Object} startState Animation start state
* @param {Number|Arrya|Object} endState Animation end state
* @param {Number} frameNum Number of Animation frames
* @param {Boolean} deep Whether to use recursive mode
* @return {Array} State of each frame of the animation
function transition (tBC, startState = false, endState = false, frameNum = 30, deep = false) { // ...
<h3 align="center">Examples</h3>
**Transition** provides three data types to describe the animation state.
* [Number](#Number)
* [Array](#Array)
* [Object](#Annotation)
* [Recursive](#Recursive)
#### Number
import transition from '@jiaminghi/transition'
const beginState = 0
const endState = 100
const animationState = transition('linear', beginState, endState, 10)
* animationState = [
* 0, 11.03429355281208, 22.126200274348417, 33.259259259259245, 44.41700960219478,
* 55.58299039780521, 66.74074074074073, 77.87379972565157, 88.96570644718793, 100
* ]
* /
#### Array
import transition from '@jiaminghi/transition'
const beginState = [10, 20, 30]
const endState = [100, 200, 300]
const animationState = transition('linear', beginState, endState, 10)
* animationState = [
* [10, 20, 30],
* [32.415625, 64.83125, 97.24687499999999],
* [55, 110, 165],
* [77.58437500000001, 155.16875000000002, 232.753125],
* [100, 200, 300]
* ]
* /
#### Object
import transition from '@jiaminghi/transition'
const objectBeginState = { x: 10, y: 10, r: 5}
const objectEndState = { x: 100, y: 10, r: 5}
const animationState = transition('linear', objectBeginState, objectEndState, 5)
* animationState = [
* {x: 10, y: 10, r: 5},
* {x: 32.415625, y: 10, r: 5},
* {x: 55, y: 10, r: 5},
* {x: 77.58437500000001, y: 10, r: 5},
* {x: 100, y: 10, r: 5}
* ]
* /
#### Recursive
Use recursive mode to calculate deep data in `Array` or `Object`.
import transition from '@jiaminghi/transition'
const beginState = {
points: [ [10, 30], [20, 80] ],
origin: { x: 10, y: 20 },
radius: 3
const endState = {
points: [ [100, 230], [120, 10] ],
origin: { x: 100, y: 200 },
radius: 9
const animationState = transition('linear', beginState, endState, 3, true)
* animationState = [
* {
* origin: { x: 10, y: 20 },
* points: [ [10, 30], [20, 80] ],
* radius: 3
* },
* {
* origin: { x: 55, y: 110 },
* points: [ [55, 130], [70, 45] ],
* radius: 6
* },
* {
* origin: { x: 100, y: 200 },
* points: [ [100, 230], [120, 10] ],
* radius: 9
* }
* ]
* /
* Non-Number attribute or element does not participate in calculations.
* The data type of the start and end state should be consistent(Including the number of attributes and elements).
<h3 align="center">Extend New Easing Curve</h3>
If you want to extend the new **easing curve**, you can use the `injectNewCurve` method provided by `Transition` to extend.
import { injectNewCurve } from '@jiaminghi/transition'
const curveName = 'linear'
// Can be obtained by drawing tools
const bezierCurve = [[[0, 1]],[[1, 0]]]
injectNewCurve(curveName, bezierCurve)
[Easing curve drawing tool](http://transition.jiaminghi.com/EN/draw/)
<h3 align="center">Easing Curve Table</h3>
* [linear](#linear)
* [easeInSine](#easeInSine)
* [easeOutSine](#easeOutSine)
* [easeInOutSine](#easeInOutSine)
* [easeInQuad](#easeInQuad)
* [easeOutQuad](#easeOutQuad)
* [easeInOutQuad](#easeInOutQuad)
* [easeInCubic](#easeInCubic)
* [easeOutCubic](#easeOutCubic)
* [easeInOutCubic](#easeInOutCubic)
* [easeInQuart](#easeInQuart)
* [easeOutQuart](#easeOutQuart)
* [easeInOutQuart](#easeInOutQuart)
* [easeInQuint](#easeInQuint)
* [easeOutQuint](#easeOutQuint)
* [easeInOutQuint](#easeInOutQuint)
* [easeInBack](#easeInBack)
* [easeOutBack](#easeOutBack)
* [easeInOutBack](#easeInOutBack)
* [easeInElastic](#easeInElastic)
* [easeOutElastic](#easeOutElastic)
* [easeInOutElastic](#easeInOutElastic)
* [easeInBounce](#easeInBounce)
* [easeOutBounce](#easeOutBounce)
* [easeInOutBounce](#easeInOutBounce)
#### linear
#### easeInSine
#### easeOutSine
#### easeInOutSine
#### easeInQuad
#### easeOutQuad
#### easeInOutQuad
#### easeInCubic
#### easeOutCubic
#### easeInOutCubic
#### easeInQuart
#### easeOutQuart
#### easeInOutQuart
#### easeInQuint
#### easeOutQuint
#### easeInOutQuint
#### easeInBack
#### easeOutBack
#### easeInOutBack
#### easeInElastic
#### easeOutElastic
#### easeInOutElastic
#### easeInBounce
#### easeOutBounce
#### easeInOutBounce